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Getting into Hollywood as an indie filmmaker

I’ll get straight to it.

Just finished up a podcast with Phil Cooke, an international award winning filmmaker from Hollywood who’s filmed in 60+ countries.

We were planning on releasing it a few weeks from now but the content was SO actionable that we decided to release it now.

  • 07:25 – How to have your cake and eat it to: Going after the career you want while being able to support yourself.
  • 11:19 – You’re a leader — here’s how to act like one. (and the difference between leading creatives, and leading others)
  • 18:18 – How to communicate with your team to get the best out of them.
  • 22:01 – Taking rejection and criticism and moving on from it. (Curt’s horror story from Reddit)
  • 30:53 – Learning how to pitch, who to pitch to, and how to shut up and listen.

Also, here’s one more treat …

I realize you’re busy and might not have a chance to scrutinize every blog, so here’s a collection of my most popular links in case you missed it:

Your action step is to hit reply and let me know ONE insight you gleaned from the above.

Remember. It takes just one insight to change your life forever.

Love ya,

– Curt

PS: I’ve been secretly working on a feature length documentary about the extreme political polarization we’re seeing these days.

If you’ve ever wanted to give back to me, then this is the time. Even $10 helps.

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