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What to do when your contacts don’t respond back to you

Two nights ago I helped host a meetup for ambitious professionals who want to MASTER their psychology…
Curt Jaimungal Group Shot

I learned two things:

  1. Don’t pat a lady’s stomach and say “Omg, how many weeks?” no matter HOW sure you are she’s pregnant.
  2. It doesn’t matter if you earn $10K a year or $1,000,000 a year, psychology is the biggest factor limiting your success.

You can have nothing and feel amazing.

You can have everything and feel like shit.

What I’ve been obsessed with the past couple years is getting people who are already performing well, to perform at their PEAK — even when they don’t feel like it.

And to improve other’s lives while they do so.

Here’s an example of how NOT to improve someone’s life.

Bad Example of how to respond to Failure

My favorite part is “You are on my list.” Implying he already has a list.

Luckily with our festival I know what it’s like to be ignored, so I read and respond to EVERY email.

But most of the contacts you’ll meet at pitch events, networking events, funding events, etc. seem like they’re interested in you — and then THEY DON’T RESPOND WHEN YOU EMAIL.


One of our student’s, Jessica, asks about managing that thin line between saying “Hey… you there?” and being annoying.

Watch the video, subscribe, and tell me about a frustrating time you thought things were going GREAT… but then the person just never followed up.

Could be an investor… Could be a date!

Hit reply. Love ya.

– Curt

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