
19 Things A Film Investor Wants And Demands

Let’s get straight to it.

Last week I told you why investors do NOT care about your business plan nearly as much as you think.

So what do they want instead? How do you not end up feeling like the dog below?

Easy! This week I’m giving you a list of the 19 things a film investor wants and demands from you — straight from billionaire Alejandro Cremades:

  1. A well thought out and researched plan
  2. Demonstrate that you’re organized
  3. Integrity in character
  4. Answers to obvious questions (predict all questions they might ask beforehand to prepare)
  5. That you know what you don’t know and what you don’t have + you have a plan to get it
  6. Market potential
  7. Plans for repaying a business loan
  8. Plans for additional rounds of funding and or exits (more on this later)
  9. That you can put your heart in a project
  10. That you have and will keep skin in the game (risking your own money)
  11. Feedback from others (show testimonials and critiques, since this shows you’ve done your homework)
  12. Proof of demand for your film
  13. That they can get along with you
  14. That you are coachable (arrogance is a sin for a reason)
  15. Consideration on the safety of their capital and time
  16. A good mesh (team fit is vital)
  17. Passion for your film and the audience it connects with
  18. Passion for working with the investor
  19. An opportunity to take the investor closer to their goals

That last one is especially critical.

But even if you know this list backwards and forwards, it still means NOTHING if you can’t convey it.

That’s where pitching comes in.

This video is a snippet from Module 4 of Pitch Your Film, which will open up next week (we’re only allowing the first 10 filmmakers to join this round).

Your Action Step for today is to watch the video and comment / hit reply, sharing you’ve learned so others can benefit too. 

I realize I’m teasing you with only 8 of the 22-point checklist included in PYF.

But I’m sure you’re used to me being a big tease anyway, :P.

– Curt