
What advice do you have for this filmmaker?

Everyday I get emails like this:

You warm my heart out of its ordinarily iceberg state.

But just as often, I get tough questions that can’t be answered in a single sentence.

So this week I’m polling you

How would you respond to the below?

Besides telling him “You need to have more talent,” what practical advice would you give him? Comment and let me know.

I’m going to share everyone’s responses next week.

* * *

By the way, I’m making a video on How To Get Your Film Sponsored and as research I decided to try some of our own techniques.

The results?

We got sponsored by RØDE mics, and I wanted to thank them. Here’s their short film competition where you can win over $1M in prizes. Yes, you read that right.

I’ll tell you all about how I was able to get sponsored by RØDE on our email list.

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