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The Ultimate Guide To Indie Film Budgeting

I know what you’re thinking.

“OMG Curt… How do you put out such OUTSTANDING content, on a weekly basis — for FREE? I love you. And you’re hot.”

I know. I know.

But I’m an indie filmmaker too, so believe me, I know the struggles of film budgeting.

If this can add value to you, then it’s worth it. And feel free to share it. Because sharing is how we’re going to change this industry.

No more hoarding of secrets. F*** that.

 Curt Jaimungal Signature

– Curt

Jurassic World Meme comparing Film Budgets

CHAPTER 1: Getting Financing / Film Funding In The First Place

Yes, you wanna know how to put together a proper film budget; for yourself, for investors, for grant agencies…

But what if you don’t have any money to budget with in the first place?

This is why indiefilmTO focuses a ton on getting funded and we give away our Ultimate Guide To Film Funding (2018 edition) just for joining.

Here are some other resources you can look to get your bearings:

12 Ways to Finance Your Canadian Independent Film | Julie Matlin 

Funding Fundamentals: 5 Ways to Raise Money for Your Film | Alexander Huls

The 7 Dirty Secrets of Film Financing | Bianca Goodloe

How To Finance Your Independent Film | Stephanie Palmer

10 Routes To Finance Your Film | Elliot Grove

Film Finance & How to Raise REAL Money for Your Indie Film with Franco Sama | Alex Ferrari

Development: 6 Ways to Finance Your Film | Stacey Davis

Beginner’s Guide to Independent Film Financing |  Michael Koehler*

Full List of Grants for the Canada / USA / UK | indiefilmTO

CHAPTER 2: Getting Start With Film Budgeting

What are the principles behind having a good budget?

What do you include / not include? What if you’re working for free? How do you count that towards the budget?

This chapter is all about those film budget fundamentals.

10 Tips for Successfully Producing a Micro-Budget Film | Jennifer Westin

A Better Budget: The Beginners Guide to Planning a Indie Budget | Arthur Vince

12 Indispensable Tips for Budgeting Your Indie Feature | Sophia Harvey

How To Make A Budget | Bri Castellini

Small Budget? Producer Jason Blum’s 5 Rules for Lean Filmmaking | Nicolai Yakimchuck

Film Budget Planning: How to Effectively Budget a Script Breakdown | Michael Epstein

How to Approach a Film Budget | Rick Smith and Kim Miller

         –Budget Building, Pay Calculations, Overtime, Fringes, and                          Incentives / Rebates | Stephen Marinaccio

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CHAPTER 3: Film Budget Templates (You Can Use)

The most frustrating part of film budgets (asides from getting the money) is how you organize everything.

What does a budget actually look like in terms of the paperwork and legal side of things?

Now that you have some knowhow on how to use your funds wisely, you now need some way to professionally document your spending budget as well.

These links will help you out (most are free):

Film Budget Template – 9+ Free Word, Excel, PDF Documents Download | Template.Net

Free Film Budget Template | John Ott

Film Budget | Airtable

The Essential Guide for Crafting Film Budgets (with FREE Film Budget Template) | AJ Unitas

163 Free Templates for Filmmakers – Part 1: Pre-Production | Jasmin Mühlhölzer

How to Make the Perfect Budget in Google Sheets | BetterCloud

Film Budget Template – Easy Tool for Film Budgeting | Anna Kupelian


CHAPTER 4: Common Film Budget Mistakes (You NEED To Avoid)

For those who are having problems with the budgeting the film with the above methods, don’t worry it happens to everyone.

Here are some articles pointing out some of the more common problems you’ll come across and how to deal with it:

Four Common Budgeting Mistakes for Your Documentary | Anthony Q Artis

Micro-Budget Filmmaking: Are You Making These 5 Mistakes? | Zeke, New York Film Academy

8 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid on Your First Feature Film | Robert Heske*

6 Common Mistakes of the Low-Budget Filmmaker |  Steven Gladstone

10 Most Expensive Mistakes Filmmakers Make | Elliot Grove

How to Avoid the Top 5 Budgeting Mistakes from Slated’s Colin Brown | Oakley Anderson-Moore

6 Mistakes Every Short Film Should Avoid Making | Rob Nightingale


BONUS CHAPTER: Dealing With Bigger Budgets (over $500k)

It’s a good idea to see what budgets look like in the high 6-figure to 7 figure range.

Part of being a master and not stressing is knowing the road ahead (something I touch on in my Cycle Of Problems video).

This chapter is all about insights on the in’s and out’s of bigger budget movies for when you get to the higher level:

Why do movies cost so much to make? | Dave Roos

Budget Breakdowns: What a Typical Movie and TV Pilot Really Cost to Make Now (and Why) |  Austin Siegemund-Broka, Paul Bond

20 low budget movies that became massive blockbusters | Joshua Nealey

Why Do All Hollywood Movies Lose Money? Alex Mayyasi

How are Hollywood blockbusters financed? | Jessika Toothman

If you like this article, then let’s share it. Because sharing is how we’re going to change this industry.

No more hoarding of secrets. F*** that.

I would love to hear all about the insights you got from this guide. Write your comments below so others can glean from your success.

Here’s to taking MASSIVE action,

– Curt

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