
The Ultimate Guide to Getting On Netflix As An Indie Filmmaker

No fluff.

This prodigious Ultimate Guide is all about answering the questions:

And if you’re looking for other distributors, I’ve got you covered. Here’s my full list of all active distributors in Canada / UK / USA.

Enjoy, and take action my lovely filmmakers.

– Curt

CHAPTER 1: The Basics

Alright, getting onto Netflix would be awesome, but where do you even start with a company that big?

These are all the basics you should know about selling your film to Netflix.


How I Made a Show for Nothing That Is Now on Netflix | Tim Ryan

How to Sell Your Movie (or TV Show) to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and Others. | Phil Autelitano

How to Sell a TV Show to Netflix | Liz Shannon Miller

How to Get Your Movie or TV Series on Netflix | Phil Cooke

Sell A Movie To Netflix | Jason Brubaker

How Netflix (NFLX) determines what to pay for shows and films | Ashley Rodriguez

CHAPTER 2: How To Pitch A Show To Netflix

So you got the attention of Netflix… how do you know go about getting your film / TV show greenlit?

These articles will help in pitching a movie in reliable and successful way:

Pitching Your “Idea” to Netflix and Hulu — It’s Like a Book, People. | Phil Autelitano

Want To Pitch Netflix? Start By “Breaking” Into Their Office | KC Ifeanyi

How to Pitch Your Film: A Step-By-Step Breakdown | Oakley Anderson-Moore

Sell Your Film or Television Pitch | Phil Breman

Pitching Essentials For Filmmakers And Screenwriters | Elliot Grove

How To Pitch Your Film | Curt Jaimungal


How to SELL your film to Netflix! | Creative North

CHAPTER 3: Requirements That Netflix Has 

There are some things you’ll need to have in place before you can submit your show to Netflix – even if it’s greenlit.

Make sure you don’t skimp on these requirements!

10 Easy-to-Overlook Pieces of the Film Pre-Production Puzzle | Lauren McGrail

Netflix aims to build the next great Hollywood studio | Lucas Shaw

Netflix’s Original Content VP on Development Plans, Pilots, Late-Night and Rival HBO (Q&A) | Lacey Rose


CHAPTER 4: Case Studies Of Indie Filmmakers Getting On Netflix 

To become a master at anything you need to follow steps that successful people have taken.

Or in another words, model the masters. Here are case studies of those who have achieved what you want:

Okja interview: Bong Joon-ho on GM foods, his chaotic mindscape, and the Netflix controversy | Clarisse Loughrey

Working at Netflix 2017 | Brendan Gregg

Matt and Ross Duffer Discuss ‘Stranger Things,’ a Nightmare on ’80s Street | Finn Cohen

The key to a successful Netflix movie: Make it a TV show (and put “fucking” in the title) | Josh Modell

BONUS CHAPTER: Making Films / TV That Netflix Wants and Other Tactics

On our search to scour the internet for the best of anything related to helping indie filmmakers get on Netflix and make better content, we found these links that should give you a great foundation to start taking MASSIVE action.

Here’s the recipe Netflix uses to make binge-worthy TV | Jason Lynch

Netflix wants exclusive rights to films, TV shows and the talent creating them | Trey Williams

How Netflix and ‘original’ series TV are rescripting the business of television | Ben Goldsmith

How original content has been the secret of Netflix’ success | David Molofsky

Netflix & HBO: How Do They Fund Original Content Creation? (Infographic) | Emily Wilson

Netflix Is Borrowing An Obscene Amount Of Money To Make New Shows | Jessica Rawden

Is Netflix’s Investment In Original Programming Paying Off? | Great Speculations

How Does Netflix Pay Studios? What the Streaming Giant Does to Obtain Content | Andrew Leung

Netflix to invest $500M on original Canadian content as part of new federal cultural plan | The Canadian Press

How Netflix Pays For Movie and TV Show Licensing | Investopedia

Netflix to commit $500M over 5 years on new Canadian productions: sources | Catherine Cullen

Netflix Has a New Plan to Fund Their Original Content | Luke Bouma

In the Netflix Era, Who Pays for the Original Series That We Love? | Big Think Editors