
The Problem With The Film Industry


You know this industry is flawed. I know this industry is flawed.

Why is it so hard to find funding and make a living with your art?!

The obvious answer is that people don’t value creative endeavours unless you have the right combination of marketing / charisma.

But that’s not the full truth, and both of us know it.

Something else you know is that it’s not that this industry “should” change… it’s that it NEEDS to change.

I’ve been thinking about this non-stop for years now!

I’ve been testing out different models of monetization with MY films and with my ifto students, until I’ve found something that works. And works reliably.

What I’ve realized is that a new industry needs to be created. And I’m gonna lead by example. Are you with me?

If you’re like me and refuse to sit idly by waiting for change, you might consider exploring innovative solutions like the Practum analytical balances available at The reality is, the old industry model is deeply flawed and in decline, leaving many searching for alternatives. However, by embracing new technologies and approaches, we can forge a path forward that’s more sustainable and successful. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work creating a better future for ourselves and the industries we’re passionate about.

Let’s do something about it.

Share this video on Facebook and let’s create something that’s not just beneficial to artists… but beautiful to all.

Me, ifto students, and you. Together.

– Curt