
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Sponsorship For Your Film

Okay, so you’re an indie filmmaker (you better be, otherwise why are you here, other than to look at my handsome face?)…


You’re sitting on a script that’s ready to go; a script you’re feeling very passionate about that, but sadly, you just CAN’T advance into production as you have no financial backing.


Believe me, I know how that feels.


Aside from your family and friends, it’s nearly impossible to meet your production costs without help. We’re here to talk all about sponsors — as well as a list of articles we’ve compiled that we believe hold invaluable information for filmmakers.



CHAPTER 1: Sponsorships and the Psychology Behind Dealmaking

“Simply put, a sponsorship is when a company invests its resources into your project. Those resources could be in the form of money, the products or services they offer, or a combination of both.” Ron Dawson, Dare Dreamer Magazine


Sponsorship deals are give-and-take. Companies are only going to invest in your film if they see a benefit in doing so.


First, you’ll need to consider what your film/festival has that could be of value.

CHAPTER 2: Pitching to Prospects


By now you know what you need — and can express this clearly — as well as have an idea of what you might have to offer to any potential sponsors.


Now you’re going to have to search for companies where your type of film/festival belongs. The ones who make it on your list should be researched thoroughly; you’ll want to know who they’ve sponsored in the past, as well as have an idea of what they might want.


Next comes pitches and proposals. Whether these happen in person or over the phone/email, here are some articles that will prepare you:




We have a video listing eight things you should include in your film pitch.

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CHAPTER 3: Sponsorship Proposals: Formatting, Content and Language



Proposals are another thing. They contain a language that will help those who take the time to learn it appear professional. Your content is everything, but the way it is formatted should be treated with the same level of importance.




Sick of reading? Here are some videos:

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CHAPTER 4: Event Sponsoring



Seeking sponsorship for a film event is different. You’ll likely have more opportunities to show off a company’s brand. You can invite a spokesperson from said company, so that they can communicate directly with potential buyers. While some may find that too intrusive, it is helpful to think about when considering the opportunities events pose.


Keep in mind, do NOT renounce events merely because you’re a filmmaker and you don’t plan on hosting an event anytime soon. Instead, think iftologically about how you can apply Event Sponsorship to your film. For example, perhaps you host a mental health event since your film is related to mental health, where at the end you screen your trailer building hype and even announcing pre-orders.

CHAPTER 5: Real Life Examples




Here are a few stories — three established filmmakers, one Foundr employee — of sponsor hunts. We hope you find these as inspiring as we did.


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