
How I solve all my filmmaking problems

For the past few years, I’ve been obsessed with the question:

“What is a generalizable strategy I can use to solve almost ANY filmmaking issue when it comes to funding, distribution, marketing, and limiting beliefs?”

Starting indiefilmTO was an answer to that and I brought thousands of other students with me on this journey.

So where’d I find the answer?

No where… It didn’t exist!

I had to create it by reading and coalescing 200+ books on psychology and business. That’s when I had to coin a neologism to describe it.

I call it, being iftological

3 years ago, no one knew my name. Now, I’m working on my 2nd and 3rd feature, and get emails like the above on a regular basis — all because of iftological thinking.

I don’t say this to impress you, but instead to impress upon you how vital thinking iftologically is.

This is advanced so wait until next week if you want something easier.

This video is ONLY for people who want a crash course on how we think internally at indiefilmTO and how we apply it to solve filmmaking problems. Only watch this 10 minute video if you’re already familiar with my lessons.

Love ya.

– Curt

PS: Shout out to my friend Rob Hardy who produced a first-class podcast series on filmmaking psychology. Here I am being interviewed about fear and how to reshape your beliefs.