
How To Sell Your Film (without being sleazy)

I have a different kind of video for you today.

A huge part of getting your films made is learning to talk about your films, AKA selling. But sometimes it can feel really arrogant to promote your own stuff.

In 6 minutes I answer one of our student’s questions on how to overcome the limiting belief that selling = selling out, plus what to focus on with investors.

Here’s our newest series called Ask Curt, on how to sell your film without feeling sleazy.

We’ve been experimenting internally with the format of answering your questions on video instead of via email. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and I’d love to hear what you think.

If you want your question answered, then subscribe below and reply to my email directly.

Stay beautiful,

– Curt

PS: We just finished a podcast with Justin Odisho on how he got 300,000+ YouTube subscribers within just 2 years.

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