
Getting Funded With Telefilm

I love reading Reddit.

Take a look at this advice on pitching a TV show. What do you see?

I vomit in my mouth slightly.

Have these people ever pitched an idea successfully?!

The standard advice generally DOES NOT work. What does work?

Here’s a great primer on effective pitching.

But what if you’re more interested in grants than pitching?

Last week I spoke with Telefilm, one of the biggest funding agencies in the WORLD, and they exposed how you can get from $250,000 to $2,000,000 (even internationally) with them. It’s not easy! But you wouldn’t be here if you were interested in easy.

In it, we talk about:

If you have any other questions, hit reply and I’ll do my best to answer them on an episode of Ask Curt.

I have ONE favor to ask of you: If you find my material useful, then share the above video with one person who’s struggling.

Listen… You know what it’s like to work HARD, you’re a filmmaker, so I know you do. And I work hard too. I work hard on changing this industry — giving away 99% of my material / secrets AND still generating original content on a consistent basis is not easy.

I do this because this industry needs to change and I must be the change I want to see; leading by example… But I can’t do it alone. 

Let ONE new person know about indiefilmTO. It goes a long way.

Let’s change this industry together.