
How this guy got 300,000 YouTube subscribers

Don’t you hate it when you work your ASS off for something, and people say “you must be so lucky…”


We’ve all heard of the “success iceberg” but very few people are willing to be open about specifics. We’re about to go into specifics.

Justin Odisho and I were supposed to talk for 30 minutes… but the conversation was so engrossing that this turned into over an HOUR, without either of us even noticing!

What this means for you is that you get 62+ minutes of specific tactics and strategies that YOU can use as a filmmaker to get raving fans.

We cover things like:

Comment and let me know ONE thing that surprised you. I read and every one of them.

Til next time my love!

– Curt

PS: Next week is gonna be huge. We’re releasing something called The 48 Laws Of Film which is based on the 48 Laws Of Power. Man! I’m excited to how you how you can play the game of film instead of feeling like you’re a pawn in it.

PPS: My film is screening this Nov 23rd, and I’d love to see you there.

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