
7 ultra-specific questions for filmmakers. What’s your score?

I’m curious…

What influences the quality of your life? Is it your money? Your films? Your cat?

I’d argue that (in large part) the quality of your life is the quality of your emotions.

Films and cats can definitely influence your emotions, which is why you feel fulfilled after filming a great scene, or after petting Mr. Snuggles.

But what influences your emotional state on a moment to moment basis? Primarily two things:

  1. Your physiology (something we’ll talk about next week)
  2. Your focus.

Are you focused on what you can control? Or what you can’t control?

Are you focused on what’s working? Or what’s not working?

Are you focused on how to lose weight? Or how fat you are? etc.

Different focuses induce different states. So how do you change your focus? By asking better quality questions.

What if instead of asking “Why am I so fat?” you asked “How can I lose weight and LOVE every second of it?”

Your brain is a pattern making machine that will confabulate an answer to anything. So if you ask “Why am I so fat?” it will say “because you’re a pig.” Or something worse.

And we wonder why we sabotage ourselves… Change your questions — change your life.

This week I have 7 Questions that come from the most successful Silicon Valley investor, Peter Teil, on how to think entrepreneurially about your film in order to earn more money / impact more lives.

In the next few weeks I’ll be sending out guides to Netflix and film funding. Sign up to get them as I give exclusive material out over my email list.

Can’t wait to see what insights you glean.

– Curt