
How I remember nearly everything I read / watch

You’re looking particularly resplendently marvelous today!

I just got back from Rome (it was my birthday last week) and I can’t wait to let you know the lessons I gleaned that you can apply to filmmaking.

In case you missed it, here’s my podcast on getting money for your film with Guerilla Rep, Ben Yenni.

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Most people focus on problems.

You know this. You know this because people are always venting to you about why their lack of success is not their fault, but the world’s.

Most people have their problems in loop in their head.

Wanna know what’s helped me? Having a search for OPPORTUNITIES in loop my head.

Even when I’m looking at the Pantheon I’m thinking “How can I apply this film? How can I use it to massively accelerate funding / marketing / distribution / my craft / my LIFE?!”

Focus on opportunities rather than problems.


In the words of the inimitable Peter Drucker: Problem solving doesn’t produce results. It only prevents damage.

This “search for opportunities” is something I exhort you to have when you read books.

And if you want the 4 other principles I use when reading, then watch my video on How I Read Books Effectively And Recall Nearly Everything.

Stay sexy. Stay cogent. Stay iftological.

– Curt