
Deliverables and Distribution deals

Here’s the link to the “deliverables” from the Kathleen Drumm podcast:

This was provided by Kathleen herself, so make sure to thank her in the comment section of the video below.

[media_video teatime_video_unique_id=”efa005ba9a03b871488231ff0dc84ced” teatime_video_url=”‹´›sFwIkTcDhz0″ teatime_video_size=”{‹²›video_size‹²›:‹²›size_fluid‹²›,‹²›size_fixed‹²›:{‹²›width‹²›:‹²›640‹²›,‹²›height‹²›:‹²›320‹²›}}” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”a4ccde4fd1c5a2ac66bf88656ca60c19″ _array_keys=”{‹²›teatime_video_size‹²›:‹²›teatime_video_size‹²›}” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/media_video]She also sent me this in an email, since she’s a gift that keeps on giving:

For other reading, I thought this was an interesting piece on some of the key influencers who can help indie (narrative) films get made.