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The Ultimate Guide To Grant Writing (for filmmakers in 2019)

Someone asked me “Curt, what are your best tips for getting a grant application accepted?”

I remember wanting to distill it down to some catchy Top 5, but then I thought… Why not make the best compendium / resource on grant writing for filmmakers ever?!

We scoured the internet for weeks and categorized the best of the best in bite-sized chapters.

No more hoarding secrets, like the old Hollywood system. Instead let’s build a new system.


 Curt Jaimungal Signature

– Curt

CHAPTER 1: Getting Ready For Grants

This chapter will guide you through the basics of grant writing, as well as random tips you’ll wanna know for Chapter 2.

We even put some bonus tips on getting your film funded in general.

Best practices for grant writers | Barbara Crutchley

Guidelines for independent script writers and filmmakers for a film funding. [UK] | Łukasz Sosnowski 

44 Film Grant Programs Every Filmmaker Should Know About | Megan Diane

Podcast with Ivan Clements: How To Fund A Film | Ivan Clements

Should I Hire a Grant Writer? | Amy Halpin

How To Apply For Filmmaking Grants (And Why You Should Do It) | Eugene Sun Park

What are good tips for writing a grant proposal for a narrative film? | Mark Goldstein

10 Routes To Finance Your Film | Elliot Grove 

Show Me The Money: How to Get Your Film Funded | Brad Lichtenstein 

How To Finance An Independent Film | Bryan Sullivan 

How to Fund Your Movie: A Guide to the Basics of Film Finance | Matthew Helderman


CHAPTER 2: How To Write Winning Grant Proposals

Ah, the chapter you’ve been waiting for. How do you write grant applications that actually get APPROVED!?

By the way, in case you do get rejected, remember that you can always call the grant agencies and ask why.

In fact, make sure you do because without knowing why you got rejected, you can’t improve for the next time.

How to Write a Proposal that Sells | Morgan Paar 

Learn the Art of Film Grant Writing with Oden Roberts | Oden Roberts  

8 Grant Writing Myths Nonprofits Should Not Believe | Joanne Fritz 

How to Become a Better Grant Writer | Joanne Fritz  

The Fundamentals of Grant Writing | Film Victoria

How to Win a Film Grant | Carole Lee Dean

How to Write Your Documentary Film Grant Proposal with Joanna Rabiger | Joanna Rabiger (*Podcast) 

The How-Tos of Grant Writing: A Manifesto of Sorts | Joy Dietrich 

Write a Better Artist Grant Application in 15 Steps | Rachel MacFarlane

4 Keys to Writing Winning Film Proposals | Carole Dean

Writing a Kick-Ass Funding Proposal | Holly Million 

How to Write a Powerful Documentary Film Proposal | Lauren McGrail

How to Write Winning Arts Grant Proposals | Vanessa Richards 

Best in Show: Writing the Perfect Grant | Mary Ann S. Anderson 

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CHAPTER 3: Examples Of Successful Grant  Applicants

These are examples of people who have successfully gotten their films / artistic projects funded via grants. You’ll hear their personal tips and stories.

Part of success is modelling what successful people have done and learning from it.

Artist Insight | Grant writing | Norma Garcia 

The Top 7 Kickstarter Films (and 3 Secrets to Crowdfunding Success) | Anthony Kaufman

Talk Shop: Grant Writer Catharine Bird on Successful Grant Proposals | Mojito Mastering, by Chris

How do independent films at Cannes, Toronto, or other film festivals get financed? | Gina Hall

A Massive List of Winter 2018 Grants All Filmmakers Should Know About | Oakley Anderson-Moore 

Film Grant Wants to Introduce You to ‘The Greatest Industry Contacts You Could Ever Find’ | Laura Gamse 

How to Win Grants by Documentary Grant Writer Joanna Rabiger | Block Talk Radio


CHAPTER 4: What Your Grant MUST Include and What To AVOID

Now that you know the basics, it’s good to see examples of what NOT to do.

I suggest you skim through each of these (instead of reading closely) because by now you have a good grasp of the fundamentals.

Pro Tips: How To Succeed At Grant Proposals | Jason Guerassio 

Film Grant FAQs | David Ross Fetzer Foundation 

Would your grant request approach make the grade? | Stephen Watson

Producing Pitfalls (& when to leave a project) | Stacey Parks 

Why Nonprofits Should Stop Supporting Film Production — Opinion | Brian Newman

The Distribution, Sales and Marketing of Independent Film, Video & DVD. Why the cards are more stacked against you than ever | Investing Advice Watchdog


CHAPTER 5: Alternative Sources Of Funding (Crowdfunding, etc.)

Sometimes grants don’t work out. I know this (painfully). You know this (also painfully).

Personally, I funded my feature with money I got from pitching (private investment) but there are tons of other ways.


7 Critical Crowdfunding Tips to Finance and Distribute Your Film | Jesse

Stephen Follows Crowdfunding | Stephen Follows 

Film Crowdfunding Stats: 8 Insights from 22,000 Campaigns | Amy Yeh

Crowdfunding Your Film: How To Go Viral (free course) | indiefilmTO


CHAPTER 6: Winning Grant Application (Templates)

This chapter is all about SPECIFIC grant applications that won. You can find templates that you you can get inspiration from, so you’re not completely lost.

10+ Film Proposal Templates for Your Project | Template.Net


Filmmaking Grants | Filmmakers Without Borders 


BONUS CHAPTER: Grants You Can Apply For As An Indie Filmmaker

Lastly, everything resource we found relating to getting your film funded.

It even includes our FULL LIST of every Canadian / USA / UK grant. Enjoy, and good luck!

Indie Film Academy | Free Online Filmmaking School for Independent Filmmakers | Screenwriting | Crowdfunding | Cinematography | Jason Buff

Film Fund | OMDC

The 7 Dirty Secrets of Film Financing | Bianca Goodloe

Funding | Chris Jones

The Indie Film Proposal – A Living, Breathing Document | Heather Hale


How to Get Donations and Grants for Your Indie Film | Lights Film School

Fall 2017 Filmmaking Grants Announced | Kenneth Rainin Foundation

The Art of Film Funding Podcast | Carole Dean

Four Ways to Ask for, and Get, Your Favors Granted | Susan Krauss

Share your film’s proposal and go for that grant! | Mario J. Novoa

The Ultimate Guide To Film Funding | indiefilmTO

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