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Creating a Stunning Online Film Portfolio

The film industry in North America is becoming more and more saturated. Statista details that the number of films produced each year has been increasing since the year 2000, peaking at 871 films in 2018. And while the increase in production is generally a good

Deliverables and Distribution deals

Here’s the link to the “deliverables” from the Kathleen Drumm podcast: This was provided by Kathleen herself, so make sure to thank her in the comment section of the video below. [media_video teatime_video_unique_id=”efa005ba9a03b871488231ff0dc84ced” teatime_video_url=”‹´›sFwIkTcDhz0″ teatime_video_size=”{‹²›video_size‹²›:‹²›size_fluid‹²›,‹²›size_fixed‹²›:{‹²›width‹²›:‹²›640‹²›,‹²›height‹²›:‹²›320‹²›}}” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”a4ccde4fd1c5a2ac66bf88656ca60c19″ _array_keys=”{‹²›teatime_video_size‹²›:‹²›teatime_video_size‹²›}” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/media_video]She also sent me this in an email,

How to make a living screenwriting

The old system is broken. I know that. You know that. That’s why I’m creating a new system for filmmakers — for artists. And I will lead by example. Got this message today, after explaining my vision for the future of film to him a few weeks ago.

8 things to include in your film pitch

Last week I told you why investors do NOT care about your business plan nearly as much as you think. So what do they want instead? How do you not end up feeling like the dog below? Easy! This week I’m giving you a list of the 19

The 5 types of film investors

People ask me what I do for a living, and I’ll say “I’m a filmmaker.” Then they say “Oh! My nephew does that.” NO. I ACTUALLY MAKE A LIVING WITH FILMS. YOUR NEPHEW IS UNEMPLOYED. I know you’re thinking, “Curt, you handsome and wise devil…

Making a living as a screenwriter / director

Recently I hosted a show called The Circuit, which was about the future of indie filmmaking. Left to right: Michele Alosinac (City of Toronto), Carolle Brabant (Telefilm), Piers Handling (Toronto International Film Festival), Bern Euler (Canadian Film Fest). Someone in the audience asked a question about why

The Problem With The Film Industry

Okay, You know this industry is flawed. I know this industry is flawed. Why is it so hard to find funding and make a living with your art?! The obvious answer is that people don’t value creative endeavours unless you have the right combination of marketing / charisma. But that’s

How I solve all my filmmaking problems

For the past few years, I’ve been obsessed with the question: “What is a generalizable strategy I can use to solve almost ANY filmmaking issue when it comes to funding, distribution, marketing, and limiting beliefs?” Starting indiefilmTO was an answer to that and I brought thousands of