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Deliverables and Distribution deals

Here’s the link to the “deliverables” from the Kathleen Drumm podcast: This was provided by Kathleen herself, so make sure to thank her in the comment section of the video below. [media_video teatime_video_unique_id=”efa005ba9a03b871488231ff0dc84ced” teatime_video_url=”‹´›sFwIkTcDhz0″ teatime_video_size=”{‹²›video_size‹²›:‹²›size_fluid‹²›,‹²›size_fixed‹²›:{‹²›width‹²›:‹²›640‹²›,‹²›height‹²›:‹²›320‹²›}}” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”a4ccde4fd1c5a2ac66bf88656ca60c19″ _array_keys=”{‹²›teatime_video_size‹²›:‹²›teatime_video_size‹²›}” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/media_video]She also sent me this in an email,

Does your film need a business plan?

Last Saturday there was this crazy “Festival Of Ice” here in Toronto. It was sick (in the good way)! Tell me what you think of these: Amazing huh!? Outstanding talent. Each sculpture garnered a small gathering but there was ONE that was by far the crowd favorite.

Getting into Hollywood as an indie filmmaker

I’ll get straight to it. Just finished up a podcast with Phil Cooke, an international award winning filmmaker from Hollywood who’s filmed in 60+ countries. We were planning on releasing it a few weeks from now but the content was SO actionable that we decided to

Can Your Film Fail Because of the Title?

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You spend months painstakingly working on something — whether it’s a film, a music project, or something you wanna sell — only to receive a standing ovation from your mother and 1 lonely cricket. Believe me, I know what that feels like

How this guy got 300,000 YouTube subscribers

Don’t you hate it when you work your ASS off for something, and people say “you must be so lucky…” You’re like: I HATE YOU WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING. We’ve all heard of the “success iceberg” but very few people are willing to