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A conversation with a film critic on what indie films lack (plus networking your way to the top)

Last month I talked to a film critic who gives feedback to major film studios. In this podcast we’re gonna talk about how you can use his knowledge to make your film stand out.

I’m such a huge fan of MASSIVE ACTION, and I never think there’s such a thing as “too ambitious.” So much so that at indiefilmTO I’ve banned our team from using the word “realistic.”

However, even with MASSIVE action, some things are ridiculous to aim for if you don’t have the right strategy.

Take a look at this:

Example of someone trying to get somewhat high funds for their Film

What do you think the above filmmaker should do?


I’ll give you the truth right now. Unless you have an amazing track record, NO ONE is going to give you $100 million for your first feature.

Yes Pitch Your Film is closed but even in there I summarily turned down people who wanted a get-rich-quick scheme. I’m a fan of slow, reliable, systematic, and methodical strategies; which is exactly why I have this podcast below for you.

Sometimes, it can feel like you’ve exhausted your personal network and everyone you know’s already donated all they can to you.

Building, and more importantly owning, an audience is what will separate you from the scores of filmmakers who keep making movies as passion projects and perhaps even win festival awards, but without any monetary gain.

This is a different conversation than what you’re used to (you’ll see why in the first minute):

  • 2:57 How David became a film critic to Universal Studios
  • 6:20 Dealing with FOCUS and Curt’s top 3 mindsets that guide indiefilmTO
  • 10:30 What this critic looks for in movies and how you can use it to make your movie “stick” in people’s minds
  • 32:07 Why “knowing your audience” is horrible advice, and what to do instead (iftological tips)
  • 33:36 How to increase the amount people resonate with you by 82% with one tweak
  • 40:10 Curt’s “feeding up the chain” advice and Two Levels Above You rule for networking
  • 49:14 Curt’s rapid fire on-air coaching of David’s biggest problem – growing his audience – and how to apply it to you
  • 1:03:20 Advanced tactic (only for people with a large audience already) to grow your audience

Action Step

Next week I’ll be doing quick and dirty actionable QandA’s, where I answer your specific questions.

Let me two things: ONE – what burning question do you want me to answer on video? (no I won’t send nudes). TWO – what one insight did you get from this podcast that you can take action on today.

Alright my sexy entrepreneur, til next time.

– Curt

PS: My first feature film is screening this Friday 7PM May 26th in Toronto. This time it’s free thanks to Harbord Collegiate Institute who is organizing it, and I’d love to see you there! (RSVP link)

Poster for Curt Jaimungal's film "I'm Okay"

PPS: We have 4 tickets to give away for the Italian Contemporary Film Festival in Cineplex Vaughan (25 mins outside Toronto). I’ll be giving them to the first people who reply back to my action step above.

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